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The Wanderer

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Blurb burp

World wanderer. Mind wanderer. Word wanderer.

I wrote a book! No wait I wrote FOUR books!? Holy cowpat how did that happen.

And holy pat a cow on the head how did you end up here? On the website of a small time indie writer. Word must be getting out. This is good. This means we get to cut out the little middlemen trying to take a slice. (And by little middlemen I mean the gigantic behemoth billionaire bastard corporation that is Bezos and Amazon.) (And by take a slice I mean who help themselves to up to 70% of writer's earnings.)

The extra sweet news? Check out this quote below:

What people are saying

Artboard 1

Guaranteed Best Book Series You’ll Ever Read!*

— People

Artboard 1

*Disclaimer: providing it’s the only book series you ever, and will ever, read.

— My lawyer friend

Blurb blurt

Get ready for an exploration of world and mind. From bustling bazaars brimming with bizarreries, to dreams and daydreams and all the in-betweens.

Plus for every paperback purchased here a real life tree gets planted. Do you see Amazon doing that? No. Do you see Bezos with plants on his head like me? No.

You know Amazon even charges creator's for ebook delivery? The same company who owns most of the internet, charges small-time authors to send tiny book files. Anyway sorry I’m ranting, I’m new to all this and just finding out and I’m shocked.

So what's the Genre?

Travelogue? Yes. True story? Yes. Fiction? Why also yes. Imaginative? Yes sir. Spiritual? Yes ma'am. Humour? But of course.

In short, I missed genre class. The Wanderer is a surreal travel novel that does what it wants. It blends genres and blurs sense. In long, it's some sort of colourful cuddle puddle mingling of present, past and imagination. Some sort of unfolding rippling spiralling purply rendition of the swirling insides of this whirling flowing wandering mind.

Final blurp

Ultimately it's a journey about discovering the creativity and imagination bubbling under the surface of us all. It waits patiently. It wants to be unleashed. The opening pages will cover the rest, let’s just get this joint rolling.

So you ready? Ready to join me and this baked macaque on this spiritual journey of unlocking the bonkers? Straighten up, cleanse your chakras, align your third eye with your third nipple and let's plummet inside the great wonderhole. It’s time to lose the plot and find ourselves!

I wish you and your attention span good luck!

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Blurb blurt burp out.

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